鋸棕櫚 Saw Palmetto  

鋸棕櫚 Saw Palmetto
或稱棕櫚樹果實(serenoa repens),學名叫做Permixon.
鋸棕櫚 可以降低 DHT 對於毛囊的影響,也可以有效的抑制 5-alpha-reductase 還原脢。
什麼是 DHT?5-alpha-reductase 還原脢?這些是什麼?
每個人體內都有荷爾蒙,荷爾蒙包含了 雄性激素與雌性激素,而雄性禿在醫學上雖然目前沒有根治的辦法,但是透過醫學研究發現 雄性禿的形成原因:
雄性激素 與 5-alpha-reductase 還原脢 轉化合成 DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) 雙氧睪固酮
由於人體的荷爾蒙平衡對於健康息息相關,所以在異常落髮 雄性禿 的治療上,都會以 抑制 DHT、5-alpha-reductase 還原脢 為主。
在這個名詞上,很多人會誤認 雄性禿 是專屬於男性的疾病,但其實並非如此,不管男性、女性的荷爾蒙都存在 雄性激素,並非專屬於男性,不論性別、年齡都可能會發生 雄性禿。

國外醫學期刊刊載研究 證實有用

‧ Human prostatic steroid 5 alpha-reductase isoforms--a comparative study of selective inhibitors. 
This study suggests that Fenistride (active ingredient of Propecia) only inhibited the Type 2 form of 5 alpha reductase where Saw Palmetto extract inhibited both type 1 and 2 forms of 5 alpha-reductase and was more potent than Fenistride. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 54: 5-6, 1995 Sep, 273-9

‧ Testosterone metabolism in primary cultures of human prostate epithelial cells and fibroblasts. 
This Study shows that Fenistride and 4-MA inhibited the formation of some testostrone Metabolites (including DHT), where as Saw Palmetto inhibited the formation of all the Testostrone metabolites studied. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 55: 3-4, 1995 Dec, 375-83

‧ The effect of Permixon on androgen receptors. 
This study shows that Saw Palmetto extract was able to effectively reduce Binding of Testostrone and DHT to their receptors on various tissues. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 67: 5, 1988, 397-9

‧ Prager N, Bickett K, French N, Marcovici G. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of botanically derived inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Apr;8(2):143-52


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